So as I sit here, right behind Moby in my comfy chair gazing out at the Pacific Ocean there is a naked French guy not three feet away from me. In fact, it was just five minutes ago that he approached me to give me a book in English.
I’m sitting. He’s standing. So there I was, eye level with his dick.
Awkward? A little bit, but he’s a pretty good looking French guy and it’s really hard to make eye contact when there’s a friendly cock in your face, but I maintained.
We’re in Zipolite, one of the many, I’m sure, nude beaches in Mexico.
This is not my first naked beach rodeo. When I lived in Hawaii a small beach called Kehena was a haven for nudists. I’ll never forget my first time there, sitting on the sand and talking with my friends when someone tapped my shoulder and asked if he could borrow my lighter. I turned around to a face full of old man junk.
I rarely went to Kehena after that.
I have zero problems with nudists. If you want to literally hang out, go for it. I just don’t know how to act. And after my few visits to Kehena in Hawaii I decided that the people who get naked at nude beaches are generally the people you don’t want to see naked.
I think that’s far from the case at this nude beach in Mexico. We’re staying at a campground/hostel type place very popular with backpackers. Most backpackers, in my opinion, tend to be young and pretty fit. They also seem to have very relaxed attitudes about pretty much everything, so here they’re naked. And frankly, it’s not so bad to see young and beautiful people in the buff, wandering around, eating, just doing normal stuff. I’m only human after all.
Me though? Nope. Can’t do it. Twenty years and twenty pounds ago, maybe. I know that’s just my own insecurity as I know no one would give a shit if I sat here typing this blog post without a stitch of clothing on. People would probably only acknowledge my tattoos and not my 46 year old tummy and a bum that could really be a lot perkier than it is. It’s my hang up, not theirs.
On the other hand, I’m intrigued. Part of this trip for me is about saying “yes” more and learning how to unlearn many of my bad habits and shed my personal hangups. After all, when again will I be on a nude beach in Mexico, surrounded by friendly, naked French people.
So maybe, just maybe, I’ll try it. I’ll try to shed hangups along with some clothes. Maybe tomorrow, but only topless. I might be 46 but I still have a pretty nice rack.
I bet you do!
Have never seen the point of getting dressed to swim and enjoy the beach. Nudity does not equal sex or porn, it is not dirty. Once you throw away your American prudeness and acknowledge this, you will understand. But don’t forget the sun block. 🙂
Prudishness in the trash I say! And yes, sunblock will be a good idea for those bits and bobs that haven’t seen much sun. 😉
I’m not much into nudity these days even tho I’m in pretty good shape. If other people want to get naked in the sun, I’m fine with it, but more than likely I’ll keep my shorts on. Unless I get lucky (haha).